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Clear Creek Rod & Gun Club By-Laws
Clear Creek Rod & Gun Club
Rupert, WV


The objectives of the Clear Creek Rod and Gun Club are to:

**Encourage the propagation of game, birds, fish, preserve our forest, promote good fellowship and sportsmanship, and observe the game and fish laws

**Protect useful song birds, flowers, shrubs, and trees

**Cultivate proper relationships between sportsman and land owner

**Build a strong organization and cooperate with other agencies having similar interests




Section 1

The club shall be known as the Clear Creek Rod and Gun Club and afterwards referred to as the club.

Section 2

The club may lease tracts of land in order to obtain hunting and motorized vehicles  privileges.

Section 3

The club may regulate the taking of game or fish within the leases.



Section 1

The officers of the club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by one member.

Section 2

The officers shall be elected to serve a one year term or in the event of a vacancy part of an un-expired term.

Section 3

The fiscal year shall begin July 1 and end June 30 and the officers for the following year will be elected at the first regular meeting in June.



Section 1

All money received will be given to the Treasurer who shall receipt and deposit to keep proper records of all money received and expended.

Section 2

All checks drawn on the club bank account will be signed by any two officers.

Section 3

The President shall appoint a committee to audit the Treasurer’s Books annually.

Section 4

In the event it becomes necessary to dissolve this club, all money and all property shall be divided equally to all members in good standing.



Section 1

It shall take at least two officers and seven non-officer members to conduct a meeting.



Section 1

This constitution may be amended, altered, or repealed by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the total membership in good standing present at any monthly meeting.





Section 1

Each member shall be “entitled” to one vote; spouses and children do not have voting rights within the club, only full members. Junior paying members are also entitled to vote.

Section 2

The majority shall govern all issues before the club, unless otherwise specified.




Section 1

The membership dues shall be payable in advance each year. This fee can be changed by lease cost and membership approval. No membership cards will be issued without advance payment. Dues to be decided on at the December meeting.




Section 1

Only members of the club are permitted to hunt or fish, with the exception of publicly stocked streams, or operate motorized vehicles on the leased land of the club. However, a member’s rights and privileges shall extend to include their spouse and dependents, under 15 years old, after that time a junior membership is required. Dependents may pay the Jr. membership dues in the amount of $100 until the age of 18 or as long as they are enrolled as a full time college student, or active in the military, until the age of 22, after that time, they are required to pay the full membership dues.

Section 2

Jr. members can come into the club as bear hunting members, provided they are the child or grandchild of a current bear hunting member.

Section 3

Membership cards must be carried on the person while hunting or fishing on the club leases. Member’s dependents must have member’s numbers on their hunt/fish license. All motorized vehicles operated on club property must display a vehicle club tag visible at all times.


Guest hunting cards must show members number, name, and guest name. Each card is issued for 7 consecutive days. Price to be half of regular dues. (limit one time)




Section 1

The club’s regular meeting is held as the Community Center in Rupert the first Monday of June and January at 730pm, excluding holidays. If additional meetings are required, will be posted on FB Page. 




Section 1

The president shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees, and supervise all business of the club. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside.



Section 1

A club member on the club lease shall conduct himself as a sportsman and gentleman. Will abide by the game and fish laws and the rules of safety.

Section 2

A member shall be responsible for the action of his guest at all times.

Section 3

A member shall assist in the protection of life and property from fire and destruction and cooperate with Conservation Officers exercising their duties.




Section 1

Failure to comply the Constitution and any by-laws or rules of this club may be considered as just cause for revoking a membership.

Section 2

Charges against a member shall be in writing by the accuser, investigated by a committee, appointed by the President, who will report to the President. The Secretary will then inform the accused of the charges. If the charges are found to be false the accuser stands to be voted out of the club.

Section 3

A revoked membership will be re-instated only by two-thirds “yes” vote of all members present at a monthly meeting.

Section 4

A member can only attempt re-instatement one time and must inform club one month in advance.

Section 5

No member can bring, as a guest at any time, a member who has had their membership revoked.

Section 6

Bear hunting with dogs shall be defined as having bear dogs in your possession or allowing/directing dogs to engage in a bear hunt on club property.

Only members that are recognized bear hunting members by the club shall be allowed to bear hunt with dogs on club property, however, a bear hunting member shall be allowed to take others along with them provided THE OTHERS DO NOT HAVE DOGS OF THEIR OWN.

Registered bear hunting members shall not hunt with other non-registered bear hunters who have dogs on club property or in any way help them break rules by collaring non-registered members dogs with registered member’s collars, helping them obtain a bear hunting sticker by any other means.




1. Members shall not destroy or throw away locks on club property, or allow access to non-members

2. Members must conduct themselves as gentleman and sportsman at all times while on club property, as well as, at club meetings or club functions.

3. Members must display tags visibly on all motorized vehicles at all times.

4. Members may not ride motorized vehicles with non-members, however, they may have a non-member ride with them on the same motorized vehicle , provided that multiple riders are safely permitted under the manufacturers specifications. No guests during a hunting season. 

5. Campsite GPS coordinates must be turned in and paid for by March 1st each year to insure you keep your campsite.

6. Campsites must be kept clean at all times, and if camper leaves campsite nothing can be left behind.

7. Camping rules have been changed a lot in the past and could be changed at any time by the land owner.

8. There will only by 60 campsites allowed on the club property both seasonal and yearly (Weyerhaeuser policy). Camp sites will be $250.00 min. per site and $200 per additional structure (no exceptions). Campers must be 50 feet from streams. $50.00 no trace camps will no longer be permitted.  

9. Lifetime membership: Lifetime membership will be given to members ages 65 and older with 10 years consecutive membership for $100 per year

10. Guest passes are limited to 3 passes per year per member and a limit of 4 people per pass.

11. Exceptions can be made per discretion and pre-approval of club officers.

 12. If a guest joins another guest pass can be issued to the member who brought the guest.

13. No guests will be allowed when club member is participating in a hunting activity during kill season.

14. Only Youth, Class Q or Senior Members will be permitted to harvest a doe during antlerless firearm season south of US art. 60. This excludes Archery and Muzzleloader season. 

15. Bear may only be harvested during the traditional archery season and during the December firearms season with or without dogs, with a minimum live weight of 150 pounds. This rule was put into effect May 3, 2010.
16. Officers have the right to handle bear hunting issues involving other clubs as they see fit.

17. Any change to bear hunting rules will receive a meeting notice and be settled at the next meeting.

By Laws


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